How to Tell if Your Vizsla is in Pain and What to Do to Help?

Many dogs suffer in silence. That is because canines cannot speak, and it can sometimes be challenging to detect when they are in pain, either as a result of an injury or an underlying problem. However, there are several signs that can indicate pain in dogs. 

how to tell if your vizsla is in pain
How to Tell If Your Vizsla is in Pain

Don’t try to treat your Vizsla dog’s pain yourself. Remember that many medications for humans, and those prescribed for other types of pets, can be very dangerous for your Vizsla. 

Some dogs will tell you when they are in obvious pain, but others will not. In general, dogs, whether Vizslas or other breeds are believed to have a higher tolerance for pain than humans, and some of them will try to hide their pain as a natural survival instinct. 

Many of a dog’s signs of pain are subtle, so it’s easier to recognize them if you know what’s normal for your pet. Being aware of your canine’s normal activities and behavior will help you identify changes that could indicate pain.

Related Reading: Why Does My Vizsla Whine So Much?

How Do I Know That My Vizsla Dog is in Pain? 

We will present you with some signs so that you can identify if your Vizsla dog is in pain: 


One of the simplest symptoms of dog pain is lameness. It can be a sign of injury, leg pain, or even a reaction to pain associated with arthritis. 

If your dog refuses to climb stairs, is slow to get up in the morning, or walks stiffly, it may be due to arthritis pain, especially if your pet is older. Many dogs suffer from arthritis, but there are ways to help ease the pain. 

Mobility problems and changes in posture are also indicators of a problem that requires medical attention. 

Antisocial or Aggressive Behavior 

Vizsla dogs may stop running to the door to greet you and are even capable of avoiding contact with you and becoming aggressive. If your Vizsla is hiding or seems unusually antisocial, it could indicate that it is suffering. Any noticeable behavior change can be cause for concern. 


One of the ways that canines communicate is through whining and complaining, and a Vizsla dog that is more restless than usual is trying to tell you that something hurts a lot. Examine your partner’s body carefully to determine the source of that pain. 

When Vizslas experience pain, they tend to “talk” more. That means expressing it through whines, growls, and even howls could make your dog tell you that something is not right. 

A naturally speaking dog can keep quiet when in pain, so it is vital to be familiar with your dog’s normal behavior so that you can identify at any time if something is wrong. 

Changes in how often your canine barks, whines, or makes other vocalizations can definitely be a sign that it is not feeling well. 

Changes in Sleeping, Eating, and Drinking Habits 

Usually, when dogs are in too much pain, they tend to sleep a lot more. That may mean that your pet is trying to heal or is even having a hard time moving and being active. 

Loss of appetite and noticeable differences in the amount of water your Vizsla dog drinks are often common symptoms. Difficulty eating dry foods can indicate dental pain. 

Stomach Pain or Loss of Appetite 

It’s not always easy to recognize stomach problems in a Vizsla dog, but here are some signs: 

  • Constipation. 
  • Nausea. 
  • Constant vomiting. 
  • Frequent diarrhea. 
  • Excessive drooling. 

If your furry companion suffers, they are less likely to eat normally. You have to observe your Vizsla very well and be aware of the loss of appetite that could indicate pain to your pet due to a stomach ailment, oral discomfort, or other conditions. 

If these pains last more than a day, it is recommended that you take your Vizsla to the vet immediately. 


Excessive panting, especially when accompanied by shaking, can be a sign that your Vizsla dog is in pain. 

While panting is quite normal for a dog, you should pay attention if it is panting at strange times or for no reason. If you notice your Vizsla panting in the middle of the night or in an air-conditioned room, that’s reason enough to look for other indications of pain in your pet’s body. Pain can cause changes in breathing making it irregular. 

Constant panting in Vizslas is normal. However, a Vizsla that is heavily panting even if it hasn’t exercised is a warning sign. 

Excessive Grooming 

If your pet licks its paws constantly, it is likely trying to relieve itself. When a Vizsla dog is injured, their first instinct is to clean and care for the wound by licking. The cuts are more obvious, but sometimes the pain can be internal. 

Signs of Agitation 

A Vizsla who repeatedly paces and has difficulty getting comfortable or sleeping less could clearly present problems that cause pain. 


A Vizsla in pain may feel restless and exhibit an inability to get comfortable and stay still. 

If your pet gets up repeatedly and lies down frequently, these are causes for concern. That means that your dog is uncomfortable for some reason, and you must find out what it is. 

Changes in Behavior and Temperament 

Pain can change your Vizsla’s behavior, and, just like a human, a dog can act grumpy in such situations. Some canines become more aggressive and may even bite, especially when touched to a painful area. It is the natural instinct of the animal to protect itself to avoid further pain. 

Behaviors that include avoiding contact with people and other pets are common when a dog is in pain. If your Vizsla normally likes to be touched and suddenly begins to make movements to prevent you from doing it, the pain may be responsible. That is sometimes mixed with depression, lethargy, and mental dullness. 

Sad Vizsla dog lying on the floor
Sad Vizsla dog lying on the floor

How Do I Help My Vizsla Dog Stop Suffering? 

The first thing you have to take into account is that you should not be the one to medicate your dog. While your Vizsla’s health is vital to you, it is best to have it treated by an experienced veterinarian. 

Many people make the mistake of medicating their dogs themselves but do not consider the consequences that this brings. Human medications for pain and inflammation are dangerous and can be toxic to an animal, especially at the wrong dose or when combined with other medicines. 

There are many reasons why the animal could be in pain, and some of them could indicate a more serious problem. Chronic pain triggers, such as arthritis, can be well managed with the help of your pet’s vet. 

If you suspect your dog is in pain, don’t hesitate to seek professional help from its doctor immediately. It is most advisable for your vet to form a diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment for your Vizsla. 

stuart and his dog

Family Dog Expert Author

Hi there! I’m Stuart, a devoted dog lover and family dog expert with over a decade of experience working with our furry companions. My passion for dogs drives me to share my knowledge and expertise, helping families build strong, loving bonds with their four-legged friends. When I’m not writing for SirDoggie, you’ll find me hiking, playing with my beautiful dog, or studying music.